high time for a short post

so yeah.. its high time as im awake for hours now (>_>)” ..stupid microeconomy exam! i hope i receive good marks tomorrow at least.. and could forget the subject forever (along with the teacher)
so.. erm.. funny point of this day so far: horoscopes today: scorpio (me): might do something today other people would reckon childish, be careful!
i was like wtf? XD all my actions r darn childish πŸ˜€ i’ve always been like that loool XD so wont be careful.. okay-okay.. just a bit πŸ˜€
erm.. wacc more. aye πŸ˜€ its exactly a week since we can say its 2007! yayz
and since i decided to give up checkin one of my fave communities (evryone needs a new years promise after all.. or how is it called XD) ah anyways i will break ti sometimes later but most likely not in this month :p i was hella bored with sg there and couldn’t tolerate someone.. haha though i wasn’t angry at all by the leaving.. simply done it
wat is worst.. no t-n for long :s i kinda miss my pals.. and i cant spam much.. my news contributin is alrite πŸ˜€ im postin news on other communities but the spam.. ah
btw news: daishi released a solo album! its the 1st news about any ex-plc members since the epilogue live! (more infos on jame)
wat more? yeah.. i will watch larukus 15th anniversary soon!! i checked it and there were songs like aah… drivers high, heaven’s drive, finale, flower so *luv-luv*
haha and tetsu looks weird πŸ˜€ (i wonder how his new solo gonna be.. aw.. march is so far away)
though have a lot to listen be4! startin with the kagrra, album and gaku’s single as well as the new lm.c material
well. i guess its more than enough for a mornin jump-in πŸ˜€ most likely i will keep on postin here my idiotizm.. feel free to read/laugh/comment/watever XD
bis spΓ€ter


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