bikini live!!! *o*

nah just got home from bikini live!!
well i was there with 2 pals from uni. we got to jate club by round half past 8 after sayin bye to d and batou. jate itself was the usual borin place XD with botin ppl
soon we could get in.. and as we were fast we could stand in the 2 row easily.
well the live started after like 20 mins of late though it was hell worthy to wait. *o* i had my fear that just like at the quimby live im gonna stand in the circle of older generations as (u will c piccies) bikini is rather an “old-timer” band. hehe got enough from others i also tried to maker comin that when do i live but honestly my (woman) intuition was hella rite! they rocked! at the beginnin we got some songs like wtf XD 1st some faster ones i dun really know then slower full with emotions ones and then rocked!!!
later we got many known songs like ‘nehéz a dolga…’, ‘fagyi’, ‘közeli helyeken’, ‘részegen ki visz majd haza…’
haha also they had a song about someone whose neck as sucked.. erm.. yeah ^^””””””” *like mine :P*
so all in all most likely i will hear sg by tomorrow.. hehe or hopefully today as its friday already hear. of the rite side the bass-drum combo was strong. though left the solo (and only) guitar with saxo!
and lol pete (alias péter lukács) *o* soooo many guitar solos!
btw their homepage: (there r songies there to download!)


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