1st wat to look forward to:

febr 14

Kagrra, – Shizuku
L’Arc~en~Ciel – CHRONICLE 0 -ZERO-
ayabie – tour ’06>>’07Virgin snow color
Phantasmagoria – Vain

essentially there r more to wait! these r however in my opinion the msot importants:
1st kagrra,’s new album after 2005’s ‘san’. and honestly after ‘utakata’ single i doubt there is sg to worry about.
laruku’s dvd is rather for the old, hard-core fans.
ayabie’s dvd! *o* the live of their latest aldum ‘virgin snow color’. i have to say thats another live im really lookin forward to. the only ayabie concert i’ve seen so far was recorded rite be4 the begin of the era i started to like them so.. this time.. *drools*
and yeah phantasmagoria. the last few thingies to go be4 ending that project. bless them! that project of kisaki rocked alot and i was hopin that they would come over to a trip here to europe sometimes soon but it seems like it’s impossible now.

but let’s go on!
spoiler we got from nightmare! as it is known by many people around me ๐Ÿ˜€ nightmare’s latest album ‘the WORLD ruler’ is about to be released (28th febr to be precise) and a new song has been revealed in the last few days. yuppa a new pv!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZP1hkF1amE&w=425&h=350]

it is titled: ‘criminal baby’. and as we got used to it.. its as guitar-centric as most of their songies so no need to worry ๐Ÿ˜‰ it is a good songie. the pv itself is pretty dark, the band plays mostly in a weird room with colorful ropes all around them like a web.. ermm.. watever :D:D:D
hm.. there’s also a girl in the pv but dunt ask me y ^^” sometimes she is under a shower crying etc… hehe maybe i should learn bit of japanese to understand wat r they singin about (or rather only yomi) so that i wouldn’t have silly thoughts like this ๐Ÿ˜€

another mentionable thing is my current obsession! it seems like that next to a bit of dong bang shin ki nostalgie and “got-to-know-glay” thingie im again into the gazette! kinda.. need some hard rock and it’s been awhile since i last listen to them so.. some pvs for u guys as well
1st their latest: hyena

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkgEKxF7ZG8&w=425&h=350]

the itself has nothin extra imo.. they r just.. there and play XD not much the director needed to do. the song is so-so, good for headbangin but nothin more. though as the latest i thought i post it here. btw the single has just been (7th febr)
and songs i like now pretty much!!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2aegFg45io&w=425&h=350]

filth in the beauty
the pv is just horrible! *o* that darki-pinkish morbid room with that fat man and b*tch. lol XD i was like wtfM?!
but the song!!!! now thats lovely. the beginning.. like a normal pop song and jumping into harder riffs so fast and then to relisten that popish girl “woah” in the chorus. it’s-just-good ๐Ÿ˜€ kinda that song is y i started to like them much again ever since ‘reila’. (yeah, unlike the core gazette fans i mainly adore them for reila ๐Ÿ˜€ and not for these hard rock songs though now im the mood to listen to these)
and another pv i found for u

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6wBfA4a3XI&w=425&h=350]

silly god disco
but “older” pv however more..erm.. “watchable” XD worst word to describe i nkow but well.. check the other 2 and this one is gonna be relaxing for your eyes. the song itself is also slower and relaxed but don’t worry! won’t fall asleep! XD also there is a funny little solo in the middle of the pv. haha i’d be interested to see it in live *o*
well.. thats all for now. maybe im gonna watch a live sometimes soon and make a review. unsure yet.. gotta learn maths for mondays test and im not gonna be home by tomorrow. gonna spend a day at granny! it’s been awhile since i last saw her.
haha btw i installed stepmania on my com as well. though XD i haven’t played much of pump-it-up since new years party and if we count that i 1st tried this thingie out by x-mas. *hella beginner* lol my bro laughs at me when i play it T_T he is a bad@ss eager beaver in it and plays every day. no wonder.. next to primary school i could do the same.. somehow at uni i haven’t got that much of time (and partied hehe :D)
anyways c ya all


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