haha i just luv my life XD

there i go. my aunt has just checked me and as the meds didn’t do a thing it turned out that what i have is not lacunar tonsillitis. though the symptoms r pretty alike and this is the only way to find out ^^” if the meds doesn’t work, then i have this: so called “kissing disease”.
sound cool ne? as if im kissing through my days :p besides my aunt has just mentioned that she heard that there were few this year (which is much cause -essentially in case of me- it is rather rare) and ALL in the range of adolescence girlz (age 14-18)
geeez XD if i find the one causin THIS to me XD XD XD
blimey not that i wanna write about my priv life but i didn’t kiss for awhile… quite a long while so then how? someone kissed me when i was sleepin on a lesson or wtf?!
haha anyways most likely i can’t attend to all my test next week. they will modell my virus by monday as well as taking some blood, furthermore today i will recieve antibioticum, twice as strong as the one i had be4. 3 times of painkiller/day (even 2 r much for my body and weight but -again- in special cases it can be done as long as my stomach can stand it) i should be sleeping much. besides the virus should be off within further 2 weeks (!!!) for 90% .. in lucky case with only meds, tea (aye mum won at last, im drinking tea… though i really hate it), vitamins and small food (as i can’t swallow and its still getting worse and worse), in normal case i will get injections extra. my aunt is already afraid of that XD she’d be most likely the one to give them to me and im not happy at all either.. i’d get then in bottoms >_ no t21cb meets, im gonna post about it afterwards what are we going to do
minna -> no szmak for at least one week though i guess rather 2
erm… and thats all i guess.
but the worst: i can’t sing cause it can even attack that >_> funny virus.. kinda .. i hope i can still watch tv and listen to music.
but i have good news as well XD i had smaller fever tonite.. much smaller. only changed pyjamas 2 times (few nites be4 it was 5…)
nah really of i am.

edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infectious_mononucleosis

haha XD i can guess now clearly when did i receive that cutie virus… and its fun to read it 😀


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