okey-dokey XD

yayz minna! im glad to tell that i got the worst XD its kissing disease.
except for my special virus pic, all have returned/been made for today and all said no bacterial infection in my body, yet virus
further beauties: my bloodpic said that my ickle liver is 3 timez more active than should be so… no steak/milk/yoghurts etc
and LESS PAINKILLER only 2 per day now on. even though nowdays its on the top both the virus on my tonsills and both the pain >_> even my ears hurts darn much
but anyways if my liver stops workin or sg like that that would be much more of pain in the @ss so i can just close my jaw.. and “feel my pain”
good program ne?
funny parts to go: aunt said i should be okay by the mid/end of the spring break (yayz) so ’bout 2-3 weeks i need at all
and yeah.. extreme fatique to remain for about 2 months or more as well as my whole body will be weak against diseases even by summer >_> so gotta be careful
also… as already mentioned on monday about the ultrasonic, the virus couldn’t attack any of my organs so i can still egoistically say my throat is no 1 to stop a virus like that (i saw pics how those organs supposed to look like… bleh)
erm.. so yeah XD my pal just called me.. he also guessed someone to got the disease from though… even though im the only one to remain unsure.. might just a mistake or dunno.. ah dun care 😀 im gonna be okay and thats the most important for the family at the mo.
rest-rest-and-rest i need to do (as its a virus.. only my body can kill ’em out, all meds i got r not to let it attack anything other inside)
next control by friday.. bis später!


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