lol… XD
it’s been awhile since i decided upon postin in my blog.. and wat is more important: ’bout me! but won’t take this one long don’ t worry.
anyways i’m about to start uni’s 3rd semester and kinda excited of wat awaits for me. as well… well… seems like 3 japanese concerts await for me in fall so another thing that makes me so happy that it would be hard to find words describin it (considerin that 2 will take place in vienna)
but wat not is dat i kinda feel out.. can’t explain better.. like in music, all the others r either uninterested or unmotivated or simply dreamin about playin along with a symponic band and hundreds of members. i cannot keep down (yeah not up at all) at all >o<” i enjoy music and carin more and more of it as years passin. i dun wanna live by music, dun wanna be an artist at all but as a hobby i want the maximum of it. or at least sometimes soon… anyways so i ended up upon workin on my solo again, though knowin my freetime ‘n all i will stop it soon (been workin on songs for long and finished nearly none so far).
and i could go on with other stuffz ‘n all.. but y should i?
off to sleep XD