back XD *makes some time to write down waccup*
in short DC has become more lively ever since september, and even more lively for me than i expected.

waccbad: no drumz yet! >o>” tough i dun give up hope. nevertheless we could be a bit faster with one.

waccgood: the 1st 2gether composed song’s so-so ready – meanin the vox is ain’t the best, however ‘Monster’ is definitely a start
wacc more? we made our forum for the band, made 2 places where ppl can dl the song ( és myspace) and already recorded the 2nd song. though only instru yet as my face is stiched at the mo and i cannot sing for awhile >o>

besides evrythin is darn rite.. next week we might move to cherryland: the place we are supposed to work and will work no on! (^o^)
jigsaw and i bought an amp (jigsaw for guitar) and a speaker (me for vox) capable a bit more than wat we used back then.
also makin our 1st dc clothes is in the plan 😀 and dunno… if the weather gecc better we might make some picz as well..

all2gether we R lively 😀

later on i might post some picz ’bout ‘you and i’s recording session i made on friday!



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