Wait for Me is the only single of Scars. I released this song in early 2011 – originally with vocals. Several years later, when my solo project was more accurate. I mean in terms of style and I had the faintest idea what I was trying to achieve. So long story short, I decided to redesign it for Latte Chill project – remixed and made instrumental.
This is how it is now. You can easily grab it for free by clicking on the cover. You can also listen to the beat below.
I also made some videos with the song. Mr. Toka was my first pet ever. This video was shot after bath time. Wait for Me kind of adds the vibe I wished to express with this song.
Lastly, allow me to add a few words on Scars. That EP is a special one, one of the very few I originally released with vocals. As time passed, I re-released it as an instrumental. Still you will find it pretty experimental, maybe chaotic, especially versus my songs now. Still listen to it as an art of someone, who was looking for the right way. It is part of my journey.