[Single] Nostalgic Memories

Nostalgic Memories

Soothe your mind with guitar chill beats of Zeitgeist Guitarist. Enjoy today’s coffee with Nostalgic Memories and grab it for free.

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If you are not into Bandcamp, you may click on the YouTube link either. I am not setting any ads, but YouTube algorithm might give you one. I do my best to keep my songs ad-free.

Did you like the song? If so, you can really download it for free. All you need to do is click on the cover above and go to my Bandcamp page. You can download the song and many other chill beats there. I am uploading songs pretty regularly.

As for Nostalgic Memories. What can I say? We produced it with Mr. Adamistique, who is my cousin and a great guitar player. We kind of chilled and sketched beats between 2018 and 2019. Some where released on other EPs but 3 songs where added zo Zeitgeist Guitarist. Check the link above about the EP and learn more. I mean you can listen to the whole EP for free, so do not hesitate. I will offer more beats later, so don’t forget to subscribe to my channels.