Number 10 with SKY-HI and Luce performed live. In this year Japan’s music scene faced quite a breakdown in terms of profit I believe. I mean Japanese music industry is always among the top players but set up completely different: focuses largely on CD sales, whereas the whole word enjoys stream platforms for 5-10 years. Focusing solely on DVD (physical) sales – therefore not uploading anything to Youtube and similar platforms – offering Hallyu and Kpop place to grow. For years now I see the will to change things, but still… way to go.
Again this is only my personal opinion. I believe major changes to come over there and many bands / artists will halt activities as they might have made months end in the old structure but getting the same amount of money through stream service providers requires a completely different strategy. Some tries weird ideas such as Dir en Grey uploading long songs in 30 second bits to be counted as more listens… but please. Be more elegant and revise your marketing activities. Also maybe release good music more often~
Well whatever – so why SKY-HI? I like his music and listen to him for a while. To be honest I like most AAA solo activities and less their group work on Jpop scene.
SKY-HI put great effort into building his project this year – performing live in pyjamas at home, uploading free lives and also revitalizing social channels as well. I do hope it will work for him!