[Single] Curry Murphy

Curry Murphy lofi chill song

Curry Murphy is now out and loud. On top of that I can add a new gadget alert: PO-33 KO in the house. Pocket sampler on budget price and with tons of great feature. DAWless lofi beats to come pretty-pretty soon. Keep following my page for more.

First set is my way of learning this gadget – aka making melodies with stock notes. First release is coming this June: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/lattechill/stock-stories

Pre-save Stock Stories above and follow the page for more. I hope you will enjoy the complete EP. Until then, hit play button below and listen to Curry Murphy.

If you wish to get the song for free, follow the link below and grab it on my Bandcamp page.

Curry Murphy live on PO-33 KO


Given the fact I am new to this gadget, I decided to record most of my sessions. I mean mostly I like to call my beats lofi sketches. They are not really full-fledged songs, more like beats. But I am not intending to add vocals or more instruments at the end. Not for the most of them. Almost like little sketches you do on the go. But not with pencil, I use my instrument instead. More an audio sketch. I hope it makes sense… #lol