Seventh Heaven is going to be the last single song before Wabi-Sabi album. Check the song for below and click on the cover to get it for free.
About Seventh Heaven
A lo-fi song fully produced on my PO-33 KO pocket sampler. In fact it was the first song I have produced for Wabi-Sabi LP if I recall well. It is a very simple beat offering a soothing vibe with true vinyl aura. I worked a lot on post-production (I mean mastering) to keep that warm vibe I intend to offer to the listener.
Even though this song was recorded somewhere in May I guess, rest of the album was finished well later between June and July. I know it may sound fast, but in general this was my first full album on the new instrument. It means I focused a lot on the production. I wanted to master the instrument and therefore produced lots of beats on the go.
Videos with this song
Had quite a few during the summer. Majority of them were kept simple. Like our hedgehog in the garden. Sorry for that. The focus is on the music. But time to time I love experimenting with plain videos.