Check out Wabi-Sabi page to learn more about my 16th album, a lofi release I fully produced on PO-33 KO!
Seventh Heaven
Zen Buddhist
Green Tea
Shikata ga nai
Spiritual Anguish
Shogun’s Room
Yanbaru Jungle
Few words on Wabi-Sabi
Wabi-Sabi album is heavily building on ikigai. That means the “reason for being”. The concept of waking up every day and doing what you do according to Japanese culture. I went more in-depth on this matter as part of the album description linked above. So click if you are interested.
The point is that the album title literally means “chilling alone”. A kind of being for yourself, thinking. I thought this is the perfect title for an instrumental chill album, I believe perfect for focus time. It has soothing beats, happy vibe songs and even sad chill ones. Offering a range of moods and this way you also have the chance to go over the different vibes.
Why is it important?
I believe and this is the key message of Monte Cristo as well: you can only be truly happy if you have been truly sad. You can only enjoy life if you have the different moods right, so at the end enjoy what you have.