[Album] Wabi-Sabi Extended

Click on the cover or go the Wabi-Sabi Extended page to read more about the extended version of the oriental lo-fi beats album.

Why I released Wabi-Sabi Extended

Truth to be told Wabi-Sabi album was very close to my heart from the very beginning. It was my first ever album I produced using PO-33 KO only. Which was a challenge, looking back now. I mean PO-33 KO is a great pocket sampler fitting anyone’s budget. Maybe Koala Sampler is cheaper assuming you have at least a mid-level smartphone in your pocket. Anyways it felt uplifting to understand the way how sampled beat production is generally working away from keyboard.

On the other hand, it gave me bunch of challenges. Lo-fi is generally about low-fidelity. Great quality is not the most important part of the vibe. Still, if you use DAW for awhile, you get used to its benefits. I mean I can edit the different instruments separately. Change them after I listened etc. Now with PO-33 KO you almost record straight to your phone or dictaphone. No edits, no changes.


And as I had some stage experience from the past, playing melodies with less mistake was kind of OK. However mixing literally the whole song before it was played was a bit difficult.

I mean yes, you can edit in EQ afterwards. Still, if the bass is too loud compare to kick, no way to mend it after the record. And also, let us not forget vinyl vibe, compressors etc. The while process became different.

Which was a challenge. I have to say I enjoyed it and still enjoying but I am making mistakes.

Wabi-Sabi for example turned out to be too silent compare to other Latte Chill releases. In order to mend it, I completely remastered the album and changed it to Wabi-Sabi Extended. Hence I wished to offer you something more, so I added 4 new songs to the album.

More oriental lo-fi singles to come for free~


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