[Single] Yanbaru Jungle

Yanbaru Jungle from Wabi-Sabi

Click on the cover to get Yanbaru Jungle or support the artist by listening to the song below:

Yanbaru Jungle is the closing song of both Wabi-Sabi and Wabi-Sabi Extended edition. It only became single song when the extended version was released though.

It is an easy to listen but not overly happy song. Rather mid-tempo over downtempo. Truly lo-fi song composed on PO-33 KO. It features acoustic beats along with piano. Mellow vibe is vibrant with a kind of “end of the album” feeling. This was one of my reasons not putting on the singles list in the first round. When I worked on remastering, some melodies came out much better than expected. I believe the song received a refreshed vibe. And that vibe allowed to reconsider Yanbaru Jungle’s position.

Sadly no videos yet. But be patient. I am planning to add some nature inspired videos in the future. It depends on the weather. I am expecting some more rapid warming days. I hope to be able to spend more time outside.

Clearly and sadly not in Yanbaru Jungle (in Japan). But at least in the Hungarian forests close by.

B-Side song is called Shigoto. Little and shorter version of the Wabi-Sabi lo-fi album version beat ‘Shikata ga na’.