[EP #50] Blue Crow Waltz

Blue Crow Waltz - Latte Chill

50th EP, a new milestone for Latte Chill project featuring Blue Crow Waltz, a space lofi and chill beats EP with 4 new tracks. Also, this is the 9th single among the Cowboy Bebop live-action series-inspired releases. This means one more to go. I plan to release it this year as well. Depends on some other factors though.

Returning to #50, the 4 new beats are sketches as usual. The whole release is under 10 minutes. Perfect for a warm espresso in the midst of your day, or at night helping you to soothe your mind a bit.

Let me list all the songs here:

00:00 Blue Crow Waltz
02:15 Jupiter Jig
03:50 Neptune Cartel
05:38 Ka-Ching

Click on any of the timestamps to open the EP on YouTube and listen to each beat free of charge. I would suggest though to go through the whole EP as one. Most songs are connected to each other.

Enjoy my beats to the fullest. Also, do not forget to follow my page for more updates. I am also present on most streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music. Plus Bandcamp essentially. Follow me on social media channels as well – listed at the bottom of the page.


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