psycho le cemu – epilogue (alias the last live)

hm.. wat can i say
im not really satisfied with it though i consider myself as a fan of plc
the start of the live is pretty much dinamic. then.. somehow by the end of the hour it becomes monotone.. some styled songs.. really. they put a lot in parapara dances and cheerleadin etc but the songs.. ppl there must have loved it.. through tv its not that great
though love is dead and yume kazaguruma r simply great. the well-known songs rocks here as well. but the least known ones r too gray
the stage is on of the best i’ve seen so far: in the background u can see their costumes they used in their 7 years of play.
yura is the usual 😀 rarely at the drums, dances a lot and even support vocals
daishi made a great performance and its pretty cool that he was waited back for this last live.
and the encore: its simply heartbreakin. honestly…. the bandmembers played their last song in pure white and white feathers were all over the stage.. like a snow
they couldn’t hold theirselves back.. and cried through the end.
essentially after the songs we could heard a beautiful small piano background music and heard the last (ending) words from plc’s leader: yura-sama. they called up the whole staff to the stage, handshakes and the usual procedures.
kinda the worst pair was seek and daishi: they were cryin a lot, it was so sad… :'(
well… they split up (or accordin to jame: on break.. but we know these breaks to well)
wat is certain that daishi is in solo (ist released an album), yura and lida most likely will go on with dacco.. as for seek and aya.. currently unknown.


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