too much of thinkings

yeah XD my dear readers and brave pioneers of the blogism! bit of pszabi’s baka problems XD
erm.. wat to say 1st… been up for hours (not that i could have slept good anyways). i had to stop the alarm clock be4 it rings so that mum and little bro can still sleep while i took my elder-younger bro to school as dad1s havin job in eger. pfff.. long time i’ve last driven LOL XD made some interesting things (maybe more highlights in the news tonite XD XD XD) so anyways i just got home and… felt like i wish to post something.. somewhere before i start learning marketing for tomorrows (last) exam.

lolz btw i can’t even believe that its gonna be my last! that era.. that exam era was like.. ages. like as if i’ve been attending to uni for at least a year… and still only the 1st semester O_O; in ideal case 9 more to go.. in worse (and reality) more so dunno. sometimes im unsure whether this is it i was wishin and fightin for. ah anyways, late to think about it ^^”

erm.. some news about bands as well: the 21st cherry boys is currently rather under the hands of jigsaw as he finished already. bless him ^^” though from wat he said he got on well with guitar practises nowdays which is cool! also he is the master of drumsequences not me so im hopin for some new ideas till friday when we meet up again to make some music. as for the not-yet-named other (side) project.. mmm.. not much to say about it: it would be more like jigsaw’s world than mine though it is me who wishes to try himself out in it. ah anyways if we go on with this project as well we will announce it anyways.
the 3rd stuff we r in at the mo should be kept in secret but as im only a support member there… i can speak. well it seems like there r some possibilities.. or rather its 90% now that the old noir croissant is gonna work again by summer in a new (well according to kyoki and jigsaw: dark, x japan and merri-ish) stlye however when i asked them how to compose songs like that, neither could give me proper answers (makin me only a support member so that i can leave freely)
yeah.. nowdays.. dunno im thinking too much but i do not wish to take part again in a band where we do not make music at all.. or less wat i could do in t21cb or even myself alone.
as for the rest of the members, they DO signed a contract like thingie.. and all has new names LOL: Kyoki the ex-leader became Kyoki69… still bass, Ky -> Keay (for szmak members it could describe thingies…) Juunji has no new nick she accepted yet though she wished to change it. she has the temporary nick: “VKi” from the hungarian word “valaki” meanin ‘someone’ (got it from Kyoki..69 :P). these 3 r the only remain members of the old NC. the recruited members r Metta (alias Matt) and Tulipános Shilfie (alias old Jigsaw).

and there goes my problems again: 1st i already mentioned the problem… songs… how.. i mean how the f*kkin hell do they think they can compose at least similar to the vk and classical based jrock legend x japan? how they could think it will be that easy? as for merry.. another thing to forget honestly.. none of the members r on the level yet to play his/her instrument that fast and correct… if metta can speak fast then they have a gara and thats all.. for levels like some nightmare-ish songs or dunno.. phantasmagoria they have chances but x?! well ganbatte! i already stated to kyoki that i do not wish to compose in that band.. or not much cause i have enough to do myself now. im gonna have 2 little lives anyways within a month so soon i need to practise them anyway not to mention that the 1st anniversary of little t21cb is nearin so im rather focusin on that.

well still it would be fun to have 2 bands.. by the end of summer a coupling szmak super live would be cool honestly but i think its nothin more just a dream of a baka like mine ^^”

nah lets go on on troubles XD …no.. its not the reason y i haven’t slept well. i can sleep well w/o bands thanx
but cases of other feelings? ah dunno.. dunno whether im looking forward to saturday or not. dunno whether i wish to see her or not.. no. im sure i wish as im dying to see her though vica versa? >___<.. im in a talkative mood rite now… damn!
byez minna!


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