not much i can post now, just been passin by and most likely won’t be in front of the com much today as im willing to attend to ladánybene27 live XD jesus im really into old well-known bands nowdays…
but who cares? at least their songs r good 😀 *unlike many of todays hungarian “bands”*
so reggie nite tonite XD and also szmak meet be4!
bis später!

edit: aaargh~ cancelled again T_T
its rainin heavier and heavier and after the live there would be no bus at all.. so walkin home for 45 mins (minimum..)
besides my pal’s injury (actually he had a mouth-operation) hurts even better and the other had a sudden stuff to do so couldn’t come either TT_TT
so.. all-in-all i rather stay home then in my warm beddie
anyways szmak was longer than expected.. (till 9 pm ^.^)


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