music, music and music

oh well.. for those to read this blog im gonna tell a few things.. about music!!!
and of course me (a bit)

1st of all the borin part. or i doubt u’d be that interested but after a year i saw this room again!

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thats the concert hall of our music school and i was tryin my bro’s piece (i already mentioned it few comments be4)
so well he improved a lot in 2 days. seems like he has time to practise… (>_>)” and it is supposed to be a walzer which should be played fast so hehe XD i need to learn that songie fast.
lol i had such a nostalgie.. lol can’t even put’em into sentences. haha that kind of halfly afraid of the future but still tryin to concentrete. lol..frankly, though i was sleepy so in the meantime of others practise i nearly fell asleep.. hehe gomen-gomen. i’m an ickle bad@ss egoist i know (^_^)v

so the other side (of the coin /dj ozma/ XD): t21cb!
well i thought it’s been awhile that i last wrote about the project: today jigsaw sung up 3 songs’ vocals and most likely by the end of the weekend i will be ready with the convertings, mixings, adding filter etc. furthermore we checked through how long this thingie-little material is right now and *drums* over 30 mins! and not even ready! of course hell lot needs still vocals so be patient.
oh, by the way within the 3 the vocals recorded today afternoon the latest ‘Deeper, Darker, Hater’ song can be found (hehe much work on the filters to go though) so who knows.. might even put up a short clip of it later on to know what to wait for.
and for a last news: we decided (for 99%) the title of the upcomin material which is gonna be released by 28th march, on the day of our 1st anniversary! and most likely i will be kind enough to tell it you around sunday (^_~)
/i hope jigsaw won1t kill me for that much of spoiler…/

gonna be on msn later on!


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