28th… of march

hello minna!
it’s been awhile since i’ve last posted here.
and it’s the 28th… we have come to a very special date.. though nearly all my special dates are on 28ths.. but this it’s ain’t my birthday, nor nameday!
it’s the 28th of march, the 1st anniversary of my 1st and most beluved band: the 21st cherry boys! (^.^)
personally i can’t believe that we lived this.. that the project became strong enough to live that long. it’s like.. kinda can’t explain the feeling how i sit here.
funny.. honestly, cause most bands are.. big with at least 5 people and more melodies and i-dunno-what-else. and still… competing with other bands on communities we are here!
of course ‘The 2nd Act’ can be found on the usual communities by now. as for this second album i have to say ‘thank you’ for nanami having covers with us as well as tokubei who made us a splendid cover for the second -rockish- disc.
and essentially for the fans looking for it! i hope they will give us their precious comments in order to gain some knowledge. which songs are good.. and which should be forgotten XD
what else i can say now.. nothing i guess. now as it’s not secret i guess i wish to listen to the stuffs in the living room in a normal cd player instead of nano (not that i have any problems with my nano, but the feeling is other)
byez minna ^.^ and take care
and for listeners: beware! XD


p.s(zabi).: short description about my health: no meds now, everything has been stopped. though the virus is still in my, it seems like i’ve won. my liver is “only” at the board with results so not 3x more than the usual which was great news of yesterday nite. it seems like that maybe by the end of the following week i can go out for short whiles. as for singing, im still banned of it but well… seems like i need to wait. it made me play a bit of piano yesterday so who knows?


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