aaaargh XD lol i just wanna sing XD *even killing himself by seeing pvs he usually sings while practisin*
geeeeeez kyoki, jigsaw, make sure to make hundreds of songs for the time i can sing!! XD i dunno how am i gonna.. or wat but definitely i will!! and luckily i have no mic to record so there is only one to listen to me *points at himself* me!

okay.. relax

hello minna.
long time no postin here *beaten*
1st of all i must write about unsraw as finally i could listen to their latest material, “calling” and it rocks. honestly! i expected something much-much worse so im kinda glad that i was wrong
also many goodies r out since 28th march so watch out!
furthermore hungary defeated moldova in football which is kinda nothin but as we r lower than the worst in that sport we are supposed to be happy ’bout it. oh yeah!
yesterday i watched silent hill movie in hungarian for the 1st time. and must say i didn’t really like the translation due to the.. well let’s say we r better at words XD so we have more than “f*cks” and the translators showed us how good they r at the topic. so frankly i didn’t like this part much, besides the movie is okay, good old little comedy to laugh at and then a good sleep.
maybe i will watch pulse tonite (this time english)
hm.. im in horror mood so gonna play a bit of house of the dead *beaten* if someone knows that game… XD
nah thats all, ain’t wanna make anyone fall asleep by readin my bloggie
see ya next time


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