yuppz.. dat means kinda that im gonna post here.. again and tryin to be a bit more… up-to-date let me say..write!
1st of all! my little bro was finally released from hospital! due to a darn virus he spent there more than a week but seems like now he can stay at home..
honestly im glad cause i have been more that anxious ’cause of him. kinda essential i guess
more: im gonna attend to the szegedien .. lemme say open-air theater or how to call it. so its in front of our dome. im gonna watch Cats with mum and csabi (other bro)
wat more.. finally that means that even if i work i can go out sometimes.. meanin that i will meet up jigsaw to .. probably finalize the t21cb planz till im here in hungary.
there will be quite a few stuffz.. and quite much to work on them but wel.. its fun!
btw a new single of ours will be up by tonite! (usual places: soj forum, szmak forum, my forum)
as for the other, not yet much stuffed band.. hm.. its possible that we will give more info about it soon.
i guess it’s enough if i say that the actual work has finally begun ^o^
and a bit of jrock/pop
the biggest stuff at the mo is essentially yuki kajiura’s next album.. its just great! i simply luv it!
abs also released a new single: nephillim. another thing to luv
skin finally started to work.. though.. i will be more impressed if they will actually release sg, cause the handcam record sux >o<”
aye and i have the most posts at soj forum XD case must luv me
but its cool that more and more ppl decidin upon regiin there. ^o^ let us build a great jrock community here in hungary!!
bis später!