Until now and the rest of 2020

What a year we had. I mean along with many people, I can say: I wish to finish this year the fast we can. Still, on the last day of November, it is worth looking back what we did to contribute. What happened to Latte Chill project? 🙂


This year started with a bit of pad music, an electronic chill beats EP inspired by royalty-free samples and my learning process of how to use Novation Launchpad mini. This EP is less based on a clear concept – unlike most of my releases – still a good project.



14th chill beats album is here? Heyy! 13 years of solo activities and I still keep up. Even though by far it won’t be the best ever Latte Chill release – to me remains a love project. Orange was inspired by the after-game of LeafGreen by Pokémon – and was originally planned to be an EP. Ended up as a full-fledged album and even a featuring artist (Hegedűs Viktor of Elvi Kérdés) decided to join.

Grab a single for free from this album:

Cape Brink by Latte Chill

and speak of Orange – I even performed it live on our balcony:


This year we had 29th February – yes indeed a special day occurs every 4 years. Of course I needed to add +1EP to the roadmap!

Trip videos and Tokyo Trip full video

I started to add more content – trip videos boosted (?) with my chill beats. I am no vlogger, probably already too old to become one. But I enjoy creating music and video content as well – so I started recording more during my trips and show the places to you through my glasses

(sidenote: I am uploading the uncut version as well these weeks/months)

Faro Solitaro and Singles #5

More and more music was born, but I decided to take a break for this year. Kind of… too many things happened. I needed to focus on personal matters, so I released a chill beats single along with a compilation:

Faro Solitaro Latte Chill

During the break

I did a complete reSEO of my Youtube channel (more than 600 videos) – checking if they are tagged properly and placed in the right playlist. I also started uploading full albums and EPs for you:

And for fun, I expanded my chill vibe with macro lens to show you a different world:


I had my first live ever on a balcony – enjoying my break of composing more ambient chill releases.

I created further chill mixes for you: office/work beats – sakura/spring beats and much more

And performed more. I realized how “chillful” it is to mix some music in live, not just the production part:

More travel videos

Not composing more chill music means gathering more vibe to me. I spent the summer with revitalizing myself as much as possible – I also tried out myself with more and more chill trip videos:


A Drop of Water

Finally after so many journeys and chill moments I decided to return. I ended August with a brand new nature chill beats release to complete the story of Faro Solitaro.

Boat Trip Latte Chill

This website

Yes. This website was born in September either – something I had in mind for awhile. I have been trying to renew my blog constantly but I had to realise that blogger/blogspot pages have their own limits. After more than 10 years of chill content over there, I decided to move here and start from scratch.

Darkest Cherry, the return of Dark Cherry – a little tribute to the past

Dark Cherry was my rock band, we performed before 2010 quite a lot in our hometown. After a decade, I felt like I want to contribute a bit, so (with the approval of the team), I started a little project and reworked many of the songs we played once in chill beats style. I am hoping to continue this new hobby in 2021

Stars Falling Down Latte Chill
Here and Now Latte Chill

More seasonal mixes

But this time live! No more chill mix manually put together, but mixing songs live for you.

Chill Mixtery #1

A bit of look back again. It is fun composing music but what about respecting the past? Chill Mixtery series aim to put past albums and my personal fave songs into a new perspective. I mix them completely during these lives.

I choose my fave chill songs from each album – put them together, but the final order is decided while I play them. I release the first this October and (spoiler) Chill Mixtery #2 is coming this December:

Winter Fruits

Having fun with Darkest Cherry – I looked up my past drivers and found a couple of projects that were called off back in the old days. Meva was a project like that from 2007 – lack of time most likely – I cannot even remember the reasons behind. Still such fun it is to work on past materials and produce some chill beats for the audience.

Can You See the Light string chill beats by Latte Chill

Covid19, December – what’s next?

After beating the illness of 2020 I put my remaining efforts to offer you something new. It will be #15 – the fifteenth chill beats album, but this time it will something completely new for me either. I worked on these beats based on samples (similar to Masters and Aurora) but only from base melody perspective. I used TR808 inspired beats and vinyl effect to complete the lofi mood. I will post more about this lofi chill beats album pretty soon.

Check out the first beat until and support my work with a Ko-fi!


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