Darkest Cherry – Latte Chill [Live Bedroom 20/09/22] #chill #ambient #beats #fullEP

Darkest Cherry is a Dark Cherry cover EP with 4 songs performed live with Ableton Live around the release.

Hit play button and enjoy my sad lofi and chill beats.

A bit more about Darkest Cherry Live

Darkest Cherry is a release that contains chill covers of my ex-band, Dark Cherry. Most of these songs were performed on stage before 2010 and a decade later, the band members allowed my to work on these songs again based on our original scores.

Of course my aim was to offer you a chill beat version of these rock songs Special thank you for Jigsaw, Kyoki, Cay and Kai!

00:00 Stars Falling Down
04:41 Here and Now
08:37 Gaia
13:03 Rain

Darkest Cherry Live

Enjoy sunset vibe lofi beats covering my old bands scores. I know it is not too long. This 15-20 minutes will offer a moment of peace on the other hand. Sometimes we all need to stop a bit and enjoy the moment as it will sway away and never come back. This is your moment.

If you like it, check other releases such as Sad Chill mix (on YouTube) or Cherryland in Music section, if you are interested in more Dark Cherry cover beats from the vault.


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