Category: free music

  • Most listened albums in 2022 on YouTube

    According to YouTube Analytics these were my most listened albums in 2022! 10) Singles #9 – a compilation album released in 2022 9) Cherryland – my Dark Cherry cover album with 12 songs. 8) Rock 128 – a chiptune LP of an imaginary Mega Man game. 7) Sapphire – an album from the end of…

  • 2022 lofi releases

    Getting closer to the end of the year, I thought a sum up 2022 lofi releases in a short article for you. I hope you join me in this journey of lofi and chill sketches. 2022 lofi releases: albums Let’s start with the albums. 2022 kicked off with Travellers, my 20th album since 2007. This…

  • [Single] Hopeless Romantic

    With Hopeless Romantic live I can confirm now: new album is about to come. The album will feature 12 Dark Cherry songs covered in lofi genre. More information is coming soon. Hopeless Romantic by Latte Chill About Hopeless Romantic This song was one of the first songs ever released with the band back in 2008.…