Category: Latte Chill Blog

  • oh’god

    yeah xD oh god stiches out! at last >oo< besides the cut is still new.. so i cannot speak now much otherwise it might reopen which wouldn’t be fun otherwise this day was damn long and boring and im tired XD am..wacc more.. we tried to remix/reorder the old song “deeper, darker, hater” a bit..…

  • oi

    back XD *makes some time to write down waccup* SO~ in short DC has become more lively ever since september, and even more lively for me than i expected. waccbad: no drumz yet! >o>” tough i dun give up hope. nevertheless we could be a bit faster with one. waccgood: the 1st 2gether composed song’s…

  • geez

    long time no postin!! though damn lot happened actually.. so im gonna update soon! ^^ till then: be bad! Vo(*o*)oV