Tag: anime

  • LieGOD

    LieGOD as a phrase nothing. I mean I cannot even recall, why this song was titled like that. Still being one of the first Latte Chill beats, I never intended to change the title. About the picture This photo was taken a couple of months before on my way to work. A hooded crow was…

  • Evening Call

    Evening Call is my latest smartphone wallpaper free from my Pinterest page. I occasionally create vinyl, grainy and anime wallpapers to support my music project. I use some of them as covers for my releases. But recently I decided to share some other works free in hi-res. Grab it for free and enjoy on your…

  • Autumn Fall lofi anime wallpaper

    Autumn Fall lofi anime wallpaper has just been added to my Pinterest page. Grab it for free and enjoy it on your mobile screen during the every-days. Please note that it is not a digitally drawn picture but an actual photo. I create lots of lofi music and also work on my own covers, so…