Tag: wallpaper

  • Gazing at the Stars

    Gazing at the Stars is a little anime inspired wallpaper I made based on my song song with the same title released as part of Earth album. I created this picture based on a photo taken at our office. I worked a bit more that day so the sun set. I realised that I like…

  • LieGOD

    LieGOD as a phrase nothing. I mean I cannot even recall, why this song was titled like that. Still being one of the first Latte Chill beats, I never intended to change the title. About the picture This photo was taken a couple of months before on my way to work. A hooded crow was…

  • Evening Call

    Evening Call is my latest smartphone wallpaper free from my Pinterest page. I occasionally create vinyl, grainy and anime wallpapers to support my music project. I use some of them as covers for my releases. But recently I decided to share some other works free in hi-res. Grab it for free and enjoy on your…