Getting closer to the top videos. This time featuring from 10 to 6. Latte Chill lo-fi songs with the most videos uploaded to my Youtube channel. I will also share my fave videos – 1 per each title.
10) Rising Sun – 7 videos
If you believed I would add some videos from Tokyo to this oriental chill beat as fave video. Well… no. Mr. Toka, our first hedgehog, bless him, was the master of baths. He really-really enjoyed walking around. This video was taken with an old waterproof camera, so you can see his little legs under the surface swimming.
9) Cerulean – 7 videos
Matching the colour, let us dive under the surface together and explore the sea life of Sardinia. We travelled there in 2019 and enjoyed the Italian lifestyle for a week in Portoscuso. I shared a complete playlist on my Youtube channel but I only wish to highlight this video in the post. I got a Xiaomi Mijia 4K Action Camera from my wife and started learning how to use it here. Therefore had some mistakes, but generally tried to show you the chill of the sea. Sardinia’s underwater life is just marvellous. It is perfect to record chill-out videos as well as to enjoy the moment.
8) Olivine – 7 videos
Here comes Vienna. Street photography, lo-fi photos and some videos from the city centre of Vienna. It is one of my fave cities. A beauty on the heart of Europe. The song is a chiptune chill-out beat inspired by Soul Silver game.
7) Asteroid Blues – 7 videos
Mr Toka again. He was really eager to look around if we let him out. Look at him running along the corridor checking our shoes. He was some crazy little pet hedgehog. Asteroid Blues was the perfect space ambient chill beat for this video. Originally the song was inspired by the first episode of Cowboy Bebop with the same title. An interesting episode, that was also reworked as part of the live action series.
6) Goldenrod – 7 videos
Roppongi night chill-out in Tokyo. Walking in Tokyo is a must for everyone who visits the city. Honestly, one the of most interesting places ever. I wish to return sometimes later in my life. I added some beats inspired by Goldenrod City of Soul Silver game to boost vibe. 8-bit chiptune just goes well with arpeggio based chill beats.