11th single November is a double A-side single. Though heavily focusing on Cortado, Crackerbread gained spotlight later.
By the 11th single, I must admit I knew I finished the challenge. Like when you are running several kilometers and know that you will finish, whatever happens. Though I hate running, but the analogy is expressive this time. So much, that November is actually featuring 2 songs. Meaning that yes, I was sure to have more for December. Also a matching name of a pair right? Like both are part of a great café experience.
Essentially both songs are part of Year 2017 LP. And both songs are available for free. Listen to them below or download them by clicking on the cover on top.
Cortado received a short and weird noir black and white video featuring my watch. One could say I was bored and indeed I was. So, I produced this little video. It kinds of shows how time’s running if you are enjoying a great cup of cortado.
Crackerbread’s video is more complex featuring some walk time in Budapest. Time to time I produce street videos, while walking in the city. I hope you enjoy this short one taken around the inner city by the train station.