[Single] Spike’s Prairie Oyster

Spike's Prairie Oyster

Spike’s Prairie Oyster is a space chill-out beat single inspired by Cowboy Bebop. I recorded and produced it by the end of 2017 and early 2018. The song is heavily influenced by the drink Spike takes in Heavy Metal Queen episode. As a result what do you expect from the song?

Anyways, as Spike’s having a terrible headache, I wished to offer a soothing vibe lo-fi song with no harsh instruments and noises. Therefore it helps him and you chill down and at the end enjoy the rest of the day.

Give it a spin below or click on the cover to get it for free.

The song’s also featured on Bebop 2 demo album. In addition you can download other singles as well.

As a matter of fact, I even found this scene on YouTube to my surprise. Click below and enjoy the scene.

Fun fact that it is an existing drink. I just googled it and the drink does have an own Wikipedia page as well. Crazy, I mean how it actually looks.

Later I featured this song on Singles #3 along with 15 other beats. If you are interested: you only need to head to ‘Music’ menu on top to find this release and all the 16 download links if you are interested. Or again, hit play below and enjoy the beat. Thanks you for all the listens and comments already. I really appreciate your support.


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