Hospital Playlist EP’s first single, Mushroom Beat is here for free. A lofi sketch drawn, while sitting on a bench by the hospital chilling.
Without further ado, click on the cover and discover if you wish to listen to my beat and read further to find embed player and some notes about the production of the single.
Mushroom Beat was in fact the first beat I was working on at 08:42, early morning with my first coffee while had to wait at a hospital. What else I could do? I mean I tried to read and binge something but at the end I realised that being productive is taking my energies better. Simply, I can focus better while producing music.
Fun fact maybe, that I was not really good in playing melodies with Koala Sampler back then. So I had some weird bass melodies you can listen to.
As I recorded the process, I will share the screen record as well on my YouTube channel and link it below for you guys. I hope you will enjoy. I tried to add some fx to make it a bit more fancy.
Again, thanks for listening to my beats, any comments are more than welcome.