im just dead XD
hehe dead by start
anyways y im postin now!
this weekend can be considered as a bit’o’pszabi vocals weekend
– i made 3 vocal songs (solo projectü)… even i play the piano O_O;
– im workin on duet songs with kinsao at the mo
– by sunday kyoki will release a solo single (on one track vocals me XP)
besides DC started to work at last.. well rather only planz so far (after all the offi stuffz starts by the end of summer)
t21cb meets r cancelled due to learnin however again plannin is about to start there as well
wat to expect:
-live album (no vid yet as i have no decent programs for it)
-a single be4 the DC project starts
-summer live (old standup: pszabi, Jigsaw and Kyoki on support)
-tbt 2 (also around the end of summer)
“only” that much im (we’re) workin on at the mo next to exams