Every Mornings’ Asia – a totally consensual title for a song I guess. Still one of the first, if not, the very first Latte Chill song ever.
This is how all the things has started. If you are keen to read more about me, check our the About Me section for long story and the different eras of Latte Chill.
But why is this song so close to my heart? At the end, it was born as part of a journey. I was away to Germany through Erasmus, having time and no internet in 2009. Dark times… My band was on hold, so I had chance to focus on solo music production. Literally this is why I have Latte Chill today.
What is more, it was my first video every with crappy effects. The storyboard is not much, I walked into the office in Meiningen.
As for Oshare Booty, refer back to the link above and read the complete story behind.
Anyways, this song is fully free now. Enjoy it the fullest. Also check my YouTube and Bandcamp page for more. Learn more about No Past But Future as well, where I have first released the song as a free beat.