Memoire is a free song released by Latte Chill. If you are interested in the song, read more and I will let you know where to download. Later.
Memoire is a song heavily inspired by the oriental Japan. I sampled instruments such as koto or shamisen to offer that Far East type of a feeling. Oriental lo-fi hip hop is a rare thing however. Not to mention that this song is a cover.
Memoire by Dark Cherry
Memorie was orignally released by my rock band Dark Cherry. The original version was composed by Kyoki and the fx and background melodies where designed by me. After a decade without Dark Cherry, I decided to rework it a bit in Latte Chill vibe.
If you like the old version, I have some good news. It is completely free here.
But the new version is different. That Memoire uses the same melodies but much slower. After all it is more an oriental chill out song than a rock metal one. Even though it is unlike Color Scheme, that features oriental instruments only. Memoire is more like a song with hip hop beats, almost trap like but still with a pinch from the Far East. I even feature the original bass and guitar lines rebuilt from the scores of the original song. Took me a while but I hope it worth the time.
I can add that I am still considering releasing a complete album featuring Dark Cherry songs. Though I am happy to remind you that Darkest Cherry also features 4 songs already. I released them in 2020 featuring some beats from the vault. All of those songs where played by us many times on stage. I hope to release more in the future.
And where to download? Thanks for reading this way long. The cover on top is the link.