Click on the cover to learn more about Supernova Symphony. I consider this song as the last piece of a long journey including 10 new EPs in the same sub-genre of lofi. As much space lofi is an existing sub-genre I guess.
Thanks for following my page and my musical (artistic?) journey in 2023 as well. Now it is time to recharge and I will come with more new songs in 2024.
Find Supernova Symphony embed in this post. Sharing is caring and it is free to listen to my beats. I hope you will like the song. Similarly to the previous songs, this EP is inspired by Cowboy Bebop.
Find all the songs below, and click on any of the titles to open the YouTube link of the song. Furthermore, read more about the space lofi EP by clicking on the cover on top or simply look for this release under the ‘Music’ section.
Supernova Symphony
Ninth Ring of Hell
Lin and Shin
Finish the Jackal
That’s all for now, thanks for taking the time to check my beats. Follow me here or on any social media platform. I am present on the majority of them as well as on music stream platforms.