Callisto Soul

Callisto Soul

4th space lofi EP of Bebop V is Callisto Soul with 4 new short chill beats, all instrumental inspired by Cowboy Bebop series.

Follow me in this article and see how Callisto Soul was born.

Concept of Callisto Soul

The EP is part of an upcoming future album ‘Bebop V’, where I will feature the title song. The story of Callisto Soul is similar to the prevous EPs, namely: Cowboy Gospel, Venus Pop and Dog Star Swing. All were inspired by the live action series of Cowboy Bebop featured on Netflix.

It suggests that more will come. I plan to work on further 6 EPs through-out 2023 and maybe 2024 either.

With regards to music genre: I consider these beats as mix of lofi and space chill. Not mandatory to be slow-paced, time-to-time I spice the EPs with some mid tempo and upbeat songs.

About the lofi EP production

As a long time fan I am seeking for newer and newer ideas how to produce beats more easily. I mean I consider my songs sketches. Incomplete little beats that are not trying to become complete, full-fledged songs (compare to rock or pop genres). It misses the general verse-chorus-bridge-solo and so on, setup. Sketches are more vibe makers. They are to project a vibe, a feeling or a picture in my mind.

I use PO-33 KO and Koala Sampler since 2021. I find the mix of them a perfect budget kit I can bring with myself round the clock. In fact the smartphone is in my pocket round the clock. Whereas the Pocket Operator, I tend to bring it with myself whenever we are off with my wife for a couple of days.

Once recorded (with Tascam, check the link above!), I process them in Ableton to spice it lofi-wise. Finally, I ask my mate, Jigsaw to ear them if all fits to be a sketch or I should revise them a bit.

Listen to Callisto Soul space lofi chill EP on Youtube

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