Supernova Symphony

Supernova Symphony - Latte Chill
Listen to the Supernova Symphony full EP here. Hit the play button and enjoy the songs. Check out other stream platforms by clicking on the cover to the right.

Supernova Symphony

The last piece of a long, 10 EP journey Supernova Symphony is finally out. If you are interested in the rest, check the ‘Music’ section with all the space-inspired EP titles starting mid-2022.

Production of Supernova Symphony

I mainly used PO-33 KO and Koala Sampler, similar to the previous beats to keep a consistent vibe. I sampled quite a few old chords and piano plays too. This EP has some dark ambient songs as well. But well, if you know the series I have been watching as the main source of inspiration, you would know the darkness of this episode as well.

If you haven’t watched Cowboy Bebop yet. I would suggest to give it a try. Of course, I would suggest starting with the anime series that affected the previous decades of anime series heavily. A trendsetter of a kind.

Lastly, scroll a bit more and listen to the beats free of any charge. Hit play and enjoy the music on YouTube.

Listen to Supernova Symphony on YouTube

00:00 Supernova Symphony
01:55 Ninth Ring of Hell
03:43 Lin and Shin
04:56 Finish the Jackal

Click on any of the links and start the beat from that point. In certain cases, it might be opening in either a new tab (mainly on desktops) or in the YouTube app (smartphones). Be assured, that timestamps are added, so you will start streaming from the desired spot. Alternatively, you may find the songs one by one on the top of the page, right under the cover.

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