Lo-fi Photography

Lo-fi Photography refers to unconventional way of creating photos to offer the impression of lower quality according to Wikipedia. While this sounds weird, the point is not to make crap photos. On the other hand, it is to create an imperfect but warm vibe. To offer the “good old days” vibe that is often missed on the latest ultra-edgy photos where the focus is more on perfect aesthetics with high contrast.

Elements of Lo-fi Photography

Grain – often used and loved by lo-fi photographers. Even if it was shot on a smartphone, where algorithms are to remove it. There are bunch of free apps like Snapseed or Lightroom helping you achieving this goal.

Less contrast and saturation. Colours are less vivid in case of lo-fi photography. Along with grain the whole image is more pastel, less vivid. Like old colour photos at home.

This element is extremely useful if you are into street photography. In 2019 I had the chance to visit Tokyo for 9 days. I spent almost all days out on the streets shooting with my cameras. After that I processed them on my smartphone at home.

Colours are bit more warm over realistic. Even though this element is not always used but often preferred in case of travel and café photos. I also prefer using it along with sea related photos I do by the shore or while swimming. Sunny day also boost mood and the warm vibe of the photo.

Lastly, square shape. Even though it is not a mandatory. It really reminds us to early photos as well as the Polaroid era.

Tools to use

Well, truth to be told the most authentic tools would be toy cameras and pinhole cameras. This, however, requires a bit of knowledge. Other solution would be the use of film cameras. There are bunch of influencers on Youtube using film cameras to shoot people out there. I prefer Chris Chu‘s channel for instance, who also offers tons of videos on showing what he does and how. You can learn a lot by following him, but again, there are other great artists on Youtube.

Finally, if you are a beggar like me. I would suggest to invest in a great smartphone let it be Samsung or Apple or any Chinese Android Devices. The point is to have a proper camera. Now this is not measured in pixels. Spend time on checking some reviews on blogs any Youtube to find which one matches your taste. Grab some apps like the ones mentioned above. And shot tons of photos to have a pool to choose from.

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