B-Sides #3

About B-Sides #3

B-Sides #3 compiles 19 songs along with appr. 1 hour of beats. It features several genres including lo-fi, chill-out, but special ones either such as oriental chill or chiptune. It comes from the simple fact that B-Sides #3 offers the single b-sides from 2021 and 2022 featuring songs from more than 6 different releases.

Albums of B-Sides #3

Let’s start it with the albums as I am usually putting songs on b-side in case I feel like they would not fit the upcoming LP. This was the case for two songs in case of Wabi-Sabi Extended.

Rock 128 chiptune album on the other hand offered a different reason. Space Man demo became b-side song as it was the first record version of Space Man. Later a better one became part of the album, whereas this song was featured on a single.

In case of Sapphire, that nominated 3 songs to this release the reasons are different again. I guess the life of lo-fi beatmakers are not easy. Here is the story: I started composing the beats for the album in Ableton. But at the end in 2021 I bought a PO-33 KO and I realised I want to finish Sapphire on that pocket sampler. As a result I “demo”-ed my old beats and re-recorded them using the PO-33 KO.

Lastly, Travellers album. The number 20. This album had so many b-sides (as I was working on the concept from 2019 to 2022) that I ended up sharing two releases just for the b beats. What does it mean? The lo-fi trap beats were added to this album with 9 beats total. Further 6 beats were released on Travellers B-Sides on the other hand. Those songs were produced with the PO-33 KO.

EPs with B-Sides #3 songs

I have two more remaining lo-fi releases that features songs on this compilation album. First, Demon Festival, a lo-fi 6-song EP produced on Koala Sampler. Finally, Pagoda. This EP is an oriental chill-out release celebrating the beauty and joy of sakura (cherry blossom). It was inspired by my trip to Tokyo in 2019.

Listen to B-Sides #3 on YouTube

15th anniversary mix

Latte Chill since 2007; it is time for a 15th anniversary mix, right? I decided to put together 15 chill-out and lo-fi songs for you. Allow me to feature some songs that are special for me. I hope you will enjoy this ride.

00:00 Karma Rumba (Travellers version)
01:40 Melemele Sea
03:50 Beverly Rookie in China feat. Mr. Adamistique
07:06 Jamming with Edward feat. Hegedűs Viktor (Elvi Kérdés, Kalibán)
10:25 Asteroid Blues
13:36 Nothingness
17:29 Boat Trip (Latte Art version)
21:39 Blue Caves
24:22 Urban Latte
26:19 Deserted Island
28:14 Shikata ga nai
31:37 Verdanturf
34:24 Couscous
36:09 Cortado (Earth version)
38:38 Sad Day II.

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Free Chill Music
(click to download)

Karma Rumba lofi chill single by Latte Chill
Yanbaru Jungle from Wabi-Sabi
Kamikaze lo-fi beats from Wabi-Sabi Extended
Fallarbor lofi chill beats from Sapphire album
Verdanturf lofi chill beats from Sapphire album
Meteor Falls lofi beats from Sapphire album
stage selection from rock 128 chiptune album